How Does InviClear Treatment work
These 4 easy steps can put you on the path to your brand-new smile
Meet with your dentist and check your smile
Dental examination and consultation, full jaw cephalo film shooting.
InviClear is meeting high expectations.

Explore the before and after transformations of your smile with InviClear's 3D technology
Transformations of your smile with InviClear's 3D technology. This is a key step in the success of orthodontic treatment.
Start wearing your InviClear aligners
When you wear your first set of InviClear aligners, the dentist will thoroughly examine your smile to ensure that the orthodontic standards are met adequately.

Regular check-ups
The dentist will guide and schedule regular check-ups to monitor the progress of orthodontic treatment and receive new aligners.
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See what the right treatment can do to transform your smile